Cooperative - FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

A cooperative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise

Beginning of modern cooperative movement was with the establishment of the Rochdale Equitable Pioneers Society in 1844 by a group of 28 artisans working in the cotton mills in the town of Rochdalein England

Beginning of modern cooperative movement was with the establishment of the Rochdale Equitable Pioneers Society in 1844 by a group of 28 artisans working in the cotton mills in the town of Rochdalein England

  • Voluntary and Open Membership Cooperatives are democratic organisations controlled by their members, who actively participate in setting their policies and making decisions
  • Democratic Member Control Scalability – pay for what you need today and add-on options as you grow.
  • Member Economic Participation Members contribute equitably to, and democratically control, the capital of their cooperative. At least part of that capital is usually the common property of the cooperative. Members usually receive limited compensation, if any, on capital subscribed as a condition of membership
  • Autonomy and Independence Cooperatives are autonomous, self-help organisations controlled by their members
  • Education, Training, and Information Cooperatives provide education and training for their members, elected representatives, managers, and employees so they can contribute effectively to the development of their co-operatives.
  • Cooperation among Cooperatives Cooperatives serve their members most effectively and strengthen the cooperative movement by working together through local, national, regional and international structures.
  • Concern for Community Cooperatives work for the sustainable development of their communities through policies approved by their members.

Cooperative movement was introduced in India with the enactment of the Cooperative Societies Act, 1904.

Cooperatives touch every walks of life of common man in India. Agriculture, Fertilizers, Milk, Sugar, Labour, Consumer, Fisheries etc. are the main types of cooperatives in operation.

National Level Federations/ Societies -> State Level Federations -> District Level Federations -> Primary Cooperative Societies

As per Bye-laws of the following can become Members of KRIBHCO:

  • National Cooperative Federations of agricultural credit/ marketing/ processing/ supply and other agricultural Cooperative Societies;
  • Apex Cooperative Federations of agricultural credit/ marketing/ processing/ supply and other agricultural Cooperative Societies at the State and Union Territory level;
  • Regional and District Cooperative credit /marketing/ processing/ supply and other agricultural Cooperative Societies
  • Primary agricultural Cooperative credit/ marketing/ processing/ supply and other agricultural Cooperative Societies including sugar factories, cane unions, dairy cooperatives, farmers service societies etc;
  • Consumers’ Cooperatives at various levels engaged in the sale of fertilisers and other agricultural production requisites
  • Tribal Cooperative Federations and Tribal Cooperative Development Corporations engaged or designed to engage amongst others in the sale of fertilisers and other agricultural production requisites;
  • National Cooperative Development Corporation;
  • Govt. of India; ;
  • Other Government Organisations/ Undertakings engaged or designed to engage in the sale of fertiliser or other agricultural production requisites;
  • Public Financing Institutions
  • Any Cooperative Society, activities of which are augmentative to the activities and conducive to overall growth of KRIBHCO.

Nominal membership: Any persons/ Societies/ Institutions with whom KRIBHCO is likely to do business in connection with construction of plants, purchase, sales, storage and transport of raw materials for finished goods .

No individual shall be eligible for membership of KRIBHCO

Each share having value of Rs.100,000/-, Rs.25,000/- and Rs.10,000/- is issued to the members.

Benefits to cooperatives for becoming a member of KRIBHCO?

  • Provision of quality fertilizers and Seeds
  • Quantity rebate on actual urea purchase by the member cooperatives
  • Competitive marketing terms to PACS for facing competition in glut situation
  • Utilization of available godowns of PACS for storing fertilizers.
  • Assistance to cooperative sale points for their face-lifting etc.
  • Regular training for staff of primary cooperatives
  • Adoption of cooperative societies for its upliftment.
  • KRIBHCO has track record of paying handsome dividend to its member cooperatives for their share capital contribution
  • KRIBHCO encourages cooperatives to become selfreliant and modern to face challenges of competition due to changing scenario of agriculture

A representative of a member society can be nominated/elected on the Representative General Body of KRIBHCO, which is the supreme body to take final decision in connection with management of the Society. The nominated/elected representative (Delegate) can participate and vote in Annual General Body Meeting of KRIBHCOand can participate in the election of Board of Directors.

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